HRWF: Human rights without frontiers

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Menschenrechte

Über Human rights without frontiers (HRWF)

„It is an independent non-governmental organisation, not associated with any religion or belief system. This neutral position has given HRWF the freedom to defend the rights of lesser known or new religious movements with the same vigour as it has for the traditional faith communities. This is equally the case for those who adhere to atheistic and other secular convictions.

HRWF is committed to defending the freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief for all people, regardless of their affiliation.“

Freedom of Religion and Belief ist ein Fokus der Organisation.

Viele aktuelle Berichte u. a. zu Patriarch Kirill sowie der ukrainischen und russischen orthodoxen Kirche.

Lies auch das Statement von Religions for Peace zum Ukraine-Konflikt.